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Posts posted by Evangel

  1. Your Name: Evangel

    Age: 26

    Your Location: United States- Illinois

    Average Amount Of Gameplay: 20-40 hours a week, Currently 5+ hours a day.

    Which role would you like: Why Should I Receive This Position:  I would like the role of any position I have listed below considering I have experience in all of them. 🙂

    Staff Experience: Administrator, Forum Moderator, Global Moderator, and Moderator. I have had previous experience Moderating and Administrating in RSPS's
    I'm very approachable, easy going and understanding. 
    If I've made a mistake I'll be first to admit it and learn from my mistakes as exceedingly as I can. 

    Rs/Rsps Experience: I'm extremely active and find it very hard to get bored of a game as enjoyable as Luna. 
    I've played Runescape itself for over 15 years, that can be confirmed and Runescape Private Servers for as long as I can remember. (Hosted a couple myself years ago).
    I tend to get very dedicated and motivated to help the things I've grown to love, this being Luna itself. The community and the overall effort that's been put into the server inside and out drives me to want to do my part.

    Goals: I would like to say what I would bring to the server if hired : As the Forums, Discord and in-game communication is a huge way of getting ideas, introductions, guides and notices to the community I'd love to guide that into orbit. I'd also love to get more people in the community getting interested in posting on the forums and discord, in return both becoming more active. As many questions stem from new players in-game i'd love to answer those questions and also move the answers onto the forums making it much easier and accessible for new players to enjoy their beginning of Luna RS. I believe becoming a staff member will broaden more options for newer players when seeking help.

    Weaknesses: As I am slightly new to the server, there are still a few things I don't know.  "I know almost everything though, if it pertains to OSRS. 🙂
    I'm very active on Central Standard Time.
    Time zone in Illinois (GMT-6) Thursday, February 25, 2021, 1:45 PM so I probably wouldn't be available for ALL major events but I will do my best to attend them.

    Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggressive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: I would pm him and ask if everything is ok and ask if there's anything I can do on my end to help with the best needs possible. If it's something I have no power over, I would discuss it with the staff team/someone with higher power over me to resolve the issue/problem asap.

    You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: I would report it to a higher power staff member immediately and get all the evidence/proof I can and take screen shots or take any procedures necessary to get the problem resolved, that won't be tolerated.

    A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: 
     I tell them I can't do that we make rules as a team, I'm sorry. you are more than welcome to make suggestions on the forums/Discord and we'll look over them. I have mentioned in the past with previous experience that if a friend /player wants me to do something, or give them something for free, I simply tell them I can't break my rules or  share staff discussion. I don't get my friends involved or discuss anything about the staff teams rules/decisions/discussion's as well . what is said as a staff team, stays as one, period I take my job serious. 

    If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? first, I would find out what is exactly  going on.. then I myself feel it's necessary to give 2 warnings to the player then if it continues a 24 hour mute, if it continues after that, depending on the situation the player could end up with a temporary ban or even a perm. ban.

    Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? Yes. 100%

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