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Fuckin A

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Everything posted by Fuckin A

  1. Your Name: Bruce Age: 32 Your Location: Ohio, USA Average Amount Of Gameplay: Between 4 - 8 hours weekends, and 4-6 hours on week days. Which role would you like: Why Should I Receive This Position: Just a player mod position; I am very involved in the community, IRL I have very good communication skills and people skills. I am in management at my job, dealing with stressful / tense situations is something I am good at. Staff Experience: I've been involved in the RuneScape community since rs2 days, and I deal very well with people. Rs/Rsps Experience: around 15 years. Goals: I want to help build the Luna community bigger, and bring more new people to Luna Weaknesses: None I can think of. Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggresive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: I inquire about why he's asking repetitive questions, being toxic, and ask the person to stop nicely; and if this doesn't work I would take the appropriate actions(within the rules, of course) to ensure it's dealt with. You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: I would screen record / screen shot, and DM Luna immediately with proof, and what staff members IGN was / is. A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: I tend to help everyone out if they ask for something, but if they make repeated attempts asking players over and over, I will ask them to stop. If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? It depends; everything is case by case basis, if it's super severe, where the person is absolutely being over the top, then a ban might suitable. If it's something not as severe then maybe just mute the person who's harassing. Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? Absolutely, I believe in following all the rules when you play a game, and mods / admins / support are expected to be held at a higher standard with this.
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