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Better world support, fixes & more

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World support

We've done lots of changes to allow for better & more smooth world support.

This has been done to allow us to start on a world 2 pk spawn world, coming soon!

We also plan to host leagues/DMM & many other exciting minigames will be coming up


Edits/misc fixes

Added ability to create placeholders for charged items in banks

Prayer ashes are now tradeable

Added a admin control panel

Fixes done to Eldritch nightmare staff

Fixed Gnome Stronghold doors

Added working doors/underwall tunnel at Piscatoris Fishing colony (monkfishing TP)

Added ale of the gods correct animation when equiping the item

Increased GP amounts from coin boxes & coin pouches

Can now properly charge crystal armor & when creating armor now sets your unique value to 2500 instead of 10k

Can now properly milk cows

Fixes done with troubles from the Halloween event




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"Can now properly milk cows"


im gona milk so many cows ;) 



Good shit luna love the hotfix's 

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