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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Custom pets are now fixed! New titles You can now obtain more than 30 new titles! You can pick one by typing ;;titles ingame. Title: Soaked Requirement: Fill the Fountain of goodwill with atleast 2B, minimum of 10M per donation Title: Phantom Requirement: Kill Phantom Muspah 500 times. Title: Bandos Requirement: Kill General Graardor 500 times Title: Armadyl Requirement: Kill Kree'arra 500 times Title: Saradomin Requirement: Kill Commander Zilyana 500 times Title: Zamorak Requirement: Kill Kril Tsutsaroth 500 times Title: Mole Requirement: Kill the Giant Mole 100 times Title: Revenant Requirement: Kill Revenants 1000 times Title: Villager Requirement: Reach village level 100 Title: Maximus Requirement: Reach level 99 with all stats Title: Grotesque Requirement: Kill the Grotesque Guardians 100 times Title: Nightmare Requirement: Kill The Nightmare 250 times Title: Barrows Requirement: Loot over 1000 barrows chests Title: Tournament Master Requirement: Win the tournament 150 times Title: Murderer Requirement: Kill 500 players within the Tournament Title: Survivor Requirement: Win Last Man Standing 100 times Title: Nex Requirement: Kill Nex 100 times Title: Zaros Requirement: Kill Nex 1000 times Title: Fishy Requirement: Catch atleast 1000 fish Title: Fishing Master Requirement: Catch atleast 10000 fish Title: Fast Requirement: Complete 500 laps of the Wilderness course Title: Clue master Requirement: Complete 100 master clues Title: Clue expert Requirement: Complete 300 master clues Title: Stoned Requirement: Mine atleast 2000 pay-dirt in Motherlode mine Title: Farmer Requirement: Complete 100 farming contracts Title: Icy Requirement: Complete Wintertodt 100 times Title: Plunderer Requirement: Complete 100 runs in Pyramid Plunder Title: Quest master Requirement: Gain at least 5 quest points Title: Olm Requirement: Complete the Chambers of Xeric atleast 400 times Title: True Warrior Requirement: Complete the Chambers of Xeric atleast 500 times Title: Friend Requirement: Open the loyalty chest atleast 50 times Other fixes Increased odds for pet & enhanced crystal seed in Gauntlet & increased overall crystal shard gain in Gauntlet Fixed Grand Exchange prices on the runelite client, you can now properly use loot beams and other plugins that need these prices (Simply restart your client or download the .jar if you use the .jar, if you use the launcher simply restart!) Increased ::yell characters Fixed reported issues at Vasilias in TOB Fixed reported issues at Sotetseg in TOB Fixed other small things & improvements TOB Fixed issue with Super mystery book Fixed issue not receiving a vote mystery book at 30 votes
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