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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Your Name: Jon Age: 28 Your Location: US Average Amount Of Gameplay: 8 hours during the week less during the weekend Which role would you like: Just looking to help in anyway I can. Specifically dont have in mind. I would like to be a dev eventually as I get further along in my Java language experience Why Should I Receive This Position: Because I want to be able to keep the server running as efficiently and enjoyable as possible. Staff Experience: I have experience moderating a Heroes of order and chaos (mobile LOL game) channel that participated in a few other LOL mobile games. This was more of a social moderation then anything but also in creating groups to play together and participate in the game. Rs/Rsps Experience: Maxed RS3, decent end game experience osrs minus TOB/COX. RSPS experience played multiple servers never put in as much effort as I have here as the community didnt really float my boat. Goals: Build up my bank to have all the max gear and and eventually max. Would also like to pursue high ranks in high scores as I really like being 4th in smithing Weaknesses: I can be super annoying as i really like to talk a lot Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggressive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: Keep on answering his question, once he becomes aggressive and toxic depending on the lvl of toxicity could result in a mute. If hes just being rude PM him asking him not to be rude to please and try to solve his dilemma being sure to answer his questions the best of my ability if I cant seek the knowledge elsewhere. If his toxitiy continues after being asked a mute with for an hour and see how he acts after that hour. You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: Depends on the level of abuse. Bring it up to them in PM's we are adults and should be able to handle it together. If it continues bringing it up to Father Luna for further discussion A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: Informing them of ::voting and ::help for new players for easily obtainable information and self sustaining. If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? According to the rules: 1st offense: 1h mute | 2nd offense 6h mute | 3rd offense: 24h mute and 500 ores jailed. I believe at the discression of the mod in addition with talking to luna if something serious happens a large punshiment can be issued. Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? Yes and I wont abuse teleporting cause daddy says not to
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