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Everything posted by bon

  1. Your Name: Connor Age:18 Your Location:US Average Amount Of Gameplay: 5-15h per day (not counting afk time) Which role would you like: Support Staff Why Should I Receive This Position: I consider myself well liked in the community, I am working from home so i have plenty of free time, and one of my favorite parts of this server is meeting and helping new players. Staff Experience: I have been an owner and moderator of an Overwatch Contenders team discord and have plenty of experience in the past of helping players through dozens of games over my life, at one point before they were shut down Creating or moderating some of the most popular item giveaway groups on PlayStation Groups, a few well over 5000 members. Rs/Rsps Experience: I have played the game on and off for around 3 years and I'm still getting the hang of things but I have experience from the main game, as well as three rsps. Goals: I would love to take this as an experience to gain more knowledge while helping others as well, so pretty much what I try to do now but with a shiny badge Weaknesses: I would say my biggest weakness is my in game knowledge in relation to more end game content (raids, bosses,etc.) Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggresive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: Of course I would answer the questions if I knew them, if not I would ask him to explain the question more thoroughly or check the related wiki articles. Finally if the situation was not resolved I would ask them to make a support ticket. You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: I guess I would talk with them in private first, if it was possibly abuse I would take it to the administrators. A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: For me it depends. I would much rather help a player who offers to pay or doesn't specifically ask for the item for free. I will often not make newer players pay for food, potions, or specific items I see them ask for frequently. If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive?:Again to me this is a case-by-case basis that should be fair and equal to what a player says or does to another player. Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? of course, everyone deserves equal scrutiny as well as trust.
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