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1 Bag Man

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Everything posted by 1 Bag Man

  1. Your Name: Zen (Sad Milk) Age: 31 Your Location: Colorado, USA Average Amount Of Gameplay: few hours each day (maybe more or less depending on work) Which role would you like: Support Why Should I Receive This Position: I genuinely enjoy assisting this community with any knowledge I may have. Staff Experience: I held a support/mod ranks in Soulsplit (support) 1.5 years, Ikov (support/mod) 1 year and Zaros (support/mod) almost a year. Rs/Rsps Experience: I have played runescape off and on since 2002. I have a ton of game knowledge when it comes to most aspects of runescape. I have dabbled in RSPSs since around 2009. Goals: I would just like to be a helpful and respected part of this community. Weaknesses: I do have real life priorities that I have to give time to and might not always have spare time to play/join support meetings. Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggressive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: I would attempt to give them the solution to their problem in the simplest way I could. I would advise against being toxic/aggressive in chat in the future. You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: I would report the situation to someone that is of a higher ranking than myself. A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: I am not opposed to helping a player with certain things depending on the situation, but would try my best to pass on knowledge that would allow them to gain resources/items/gp in an efficient way. If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? My first steps would be starting a dialog with the person doing the harassing as an attempt to resolve the issue along with gathering both sides of the story. I would explain to them the penalties for harassing players. If the issue persisted I would start with muting the player doing the harassing and reporting the situation to a higher rank than myself. Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? I am already a pretty straight arrow when it comes to rule following and I don't see that changing due to a status.
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