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Everything posted by insanity

  1. Create a new topic and answer all the questions below. (5 DAYS MINIMUM PLAYTIME!!) Your Name: Vincent Age: 24 Your Location:Canada Average Amount Of Gameplay: 3 to 6 hours if not more Which role would you like: Why Should I Receive This Position: Mod, been helping out players and just would love to be part of the staff comunity Staff Experience: been mod before on multiple other servers Rs/Rsps Experience: over 17 years of playing runescape on and off Goals: to better are community and help out the new players Weaknesses: i only speak French and English Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggressive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?:you tell them to relax and quit what they are doing, give them a few chances and after that give a 1h mute and so on You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: if i see a staff member abusing his powers i will screen shot the action and get in touch with "Luna" A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?:as a new player i would guide them into thieving and slayer for starter gp If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? depending on the type of harassment and how long its been going on for it should be a instant ban as non of the members of are community should get harassed Will you follow the rules when you punish a player?i definitely would and would not be abusing power i also have 9 days of play time
  2. cant wait to set up the christmas lights and have everyone stop by my house to just look at the set up, since play music and have the lights go to the beat
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