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Posts posted by Luna

  1. LUNA.png.2e7dbde36ef03b9e07540ce2aa4ec416.png


    Active Volcano
    A Wilderness Event every 45 minutes you can mine the boulder at the place in the picture below to obtain Blood Money.

    Be careful for the falling rocks, you can dodge these!


    Wilderness changes
    Players In Wilderness in questlog will now show <5 less than 5 and only counts up if there are 5 or more players in Wilderness.
    Bounty Hunter will now be toggled disabled as standard for everyone, you can enable it to do BH in the questlog


    You can now combine easy to elite clue scrolls to obtain a master clue.

    You can now get roots from clearing tree patches.
    Added max hit dummies undead and normal at home


    You can now enter Ice Queens dungeon to receive Ice Gloves by killing her.
    The Ice gloves are added as preparation for the soon to come Blast Furnace.
    And also handy in other situations ofcourse!

    You need a Rune Pickaxe to be able to mine the rocks to get to the ladders.
    The place is filled with ice giants and the Ice Queen does barrage spells as attacks!


    Replaced Tbow scythe and sangui staff from donator store with new items for now.


    You can now get roots from clearing tree patches.
    Zamorak GWD boss correct stats now
    Removed the option for normal accounts to de-iron when you're not ironman
    Updated combat moss giants combat
     Combat dummy doesnt give XP anymore

    Added stopwatch to runelite (coming soon)
    Attempt at fix nulled drops


    Alot of work done on Blast Furnace, Mage Arena 2 and Nightmare (Coming soon)

    • Thanks 3

  2. Create a new topic and answer all the questions below.
    Your Name:


    Your Location:

    Average Amount Of Gameplay:

    Which role would you like: Why Should I Receive This Position:

    Staff Experience:

    Rs/Rsps Experience:



    Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggresive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?:

    You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?:

    A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?:

    If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive?

    Will you follow the rules when you punish a player?

    • Like 4

  3. LUNA.png.66fdcdf65333f493ec7f9115d078e413.png

    Depending on the severity of the rule broken, We as a team are allowed to change the right to change or modify ANY of the rules listed without notice.
    All punishments are final, until they are appealed by the player!

    You are allowed to play another account while you wait out your punishment on your main account.
    If you continue similar behavior on your other account, this is what we call punishment evasion.
    Your punishment from your main account will follow on your alternate account your punishment will be severe.

    1. Player harassment and inappropiate language and content

    Probably one of the most important rules
    We have a zero tolerance for the act of harassment towards another player aswell as the use of disrespectful language.
    Think about a persons belief/religon, sexual preference, racial slurs etc.

    1st offense: 1h mute | 2nd offense 6h mute | 3rd offense: 24h mute and 500 ores jailed

    2. Spamming

    Any form of spam will not be tolerated.
    Use the ingame auto chat feature if you wish to auto chat.

    3. Advertising for other servers

    1st offense: 48h mute | 2nd offense: Permanent mute | 3rd offense: Perm. ban

    4. Threats

    Any type of threats will not be tolerated.
    Think about endangering someones life security or reputation.

    Minor offense: Perm. ban
    Major offense: IP ban

    5. Encouraging others to break rules

    Regardless if the other party is aware of said rule, action will be taken.

    1st offense: 2 hour mute | 2nd offense: 16 hour mute | 3rd offense: 48 hour mute | 4th offense: Perm mute

    6. Backseat moderation

    If a player continuously attempts to insert themselves in the middle of any moderation duties they will be punished.
    This will only happen if a player CONTINUOUSLY does this.
    Players helping a mod in a conversation is allowed.
    We have a staff team for that for a reason.

    1st offense: 2 hour mute | 2nd offense: 6 hour mute | 3rd offense: 24 hour mute

    7.  Clan chat rules invading and joining other peoples clan chats.

       Taking Clan issues out of the CC, and bringing them into Public Chat, yell etc
       Joining another Clan/CC for intent of advertising your/someones Clan.
       Any type of Clan on Clan public drama is not tolerated.

    8. Rules main clan chat

        Do not advertise other CC’s in the main clan chat
        Please do not give misleading/false information when help is needed.
        Please use English in the help CC!

    1st Offense: Kick from CC | 2nd Offense: 2h mute | 3rd Offense: Ban from CC

    9. Third Party Software

    Any software that is used to allow the member to have an unfair advantage in any way will result in punishment. We want to create a fair environment where all players have an equal chance of all of our features. Software includes automation tools, macros, bots, and auto-clickers. This includes the development of scripts for said bots.

        Macro Farms (3+ accounts macroing at same time) will result in an automatic IP Ban for all accounts involved.
        We reserve the right to reset your stats if we deem it appropriate.
        Anyone found creating/using/distributing macros will be IP banned.

    1st Offense: 4H Ban [Botted skills Reset To Level 1] |2nd Offense: 16H ban [Botted skills Reset To Level 1] | 3rd Offense: 48 hour ban  | 3rd Offense: Perm. ban

    10. Real World Trading/Account Selling

    The act of trading ccurrency, items, services, etc for outside currency is NOT allowed. This includes but is not limited to; RSGP, fiat currencies, IRL goods/services, online currencies, etc. Both parties will be punished if found to be doing so.

        The act of trading/selling, or the attempt of trading/selling, any account for other goods will not be allowed on the server, a ban will be issued for the account being traded off.

    1st Offense: 24 hour ban | 2nd Offense: Perm ban

    11. Bug Abuse

    Players must not use or attempt to use any bugs or glitches which they may find in our game. 
    Any exploits a player finds is requested to be immediately reported to us through Discord or through any of the admins, Luna pref.
    Abusing a bug accidently once might occur, this will not be punished but if a bug is continously abused this will be punished.

    1st Offense: 1h Ban | 2nd Offense: 4 hour ban | 3rd Offense: 8 hour ban | 4th offense: 36h ban + Account loses some levels and items

    12. Safespotting NPCs

    Players must not safespot NPCs that you aren't able to on OSRS. You are, however, allowed to safespot NPCs that can be safespotted on OSRS. As with other bug abuse, any exploits a player finds are to be immediately reported to us through Discord or Luna

    1st Offense: 1H Ban | 2nd Offense: 2H Ban | 3rd Offense: 8H Ban

    13. Hacking

    The act of obtaining and/or using another member’s account information for any reason is strictly forbidden. This includes but is not limited to; obtaining passwords from old DB’s, Brute Forcing, Social Engineering information, RATing, etc. If you are found to be guilty of such acts, you will be removed from our community IMMEDIATELY.

    1st Offense: Account & IP Ban

    14. Scamming

    Changing items/amounts of GP in trades or changing duel arena rules is NOT punishable, there are second trade/duel interfaces to avoid scams like this from taking place. Scamming item loans, trust trades, gambles, or any other scam that can be proven WILL be punished.

        Video evidence MUST be provided, screenshots will not suffice.
        Please keep in mind dice bags are untradable, so you will be jeopardizing your account along with your ability to host if you scam while gambling.
        We do not offer refunds for items/gp that was lost due to a scam

    1st Offense: 1 hour ban | 2nd Offense: 4 hour ban | 3rd offense: 8 hour ban | 4th offense: perm ban  5th offense: IP ban

    15. DoXing/Information Leak

    The act of intentionally mentioning/leaking private information about a player or staff member is NOT tolerated. You will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY.

    1st Offense: Perm. Ban | 2nd Offense: IP Ban

    16. False Reports

    False reports are not tolerated, this includes using the CC/Yell, as well as in-game to spread drama that may or may not be true.

    These reports should be sent to a Server Support or higher.

    1st Offense: 2H Mute | 2nd Offense: 6H Mute 3rd Offense: Perm. Mute

    17. Impersonation

    Impersonating any member of our community rather it be for entertainment, monetary gain, persuasion, etc. will NOT be tolerated. Impersonation of staff will automatically be escalated to a 2nd Offense.

    1st Offense: 2 hour ban | 2nd Offense: 12 hour ban | Perm. ban

    18. System Security, Penetration Testing, and Exploiting

    Attempting to exploit and penetrate the security measures of Luna, hardware, or any other devices used by our users or operations of the overall system will be punished.

    Offense: IP Ban

    19. RSPS/Malicious Discord Server Invites

    Sending other RSPS Discord server invites as well as Malicious Discord server invites that promote rule breaking is NOT tolerated!

    1st Offense: Perm. Ban on Discord/Forums

    20. Misleading Links

    Any link you send a member or post publicly must direct you to what it appears as. No link spoofing or redirect links are allowed.

    1st Offense: 12 hour ban Ban on Discord/Forums | 2nd Offense: 16 hour ban | 3rd offense: Perm. ban

    21. Farming kills

    Farmng kills for blood money/pkp is against the rules and this will not be tolerated.

    22. Using alternative accounts for malicious use

    Using alt accs to camp wilderness teleport spots 24/7
    Using more than one account to attack a player in the wilderness at one time.
    Using alts at gwd, raids or any high activity pvm related content ) [ including vb/wb. ]
    Using alts for lottery and tournament.

    ( You may gather resources [ skilling ] one multiple accounts up to 3x at once )
    ( You may be on multiple clients doing different activities including pvm, just
    not at the same place doing the same thing at the same time. )

    1st Offense: 1000 rocks in jail | 2nd Offense: 1 week ban | 3rd offense: Perm. ban 

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1

  4. LUNA.png.53da8bc90537cd823584f9a2283a5f39.png

    Hello everyone.

    The update list is a bit shorter than usual.
    I wanted to bring this update later with some more features but due to things like the XP scrolls from starter set getting abused
    And XP scrolls in general
    Im throwing this update out right now.

    First of: home improvements
    When I looked at the home I came to the conclusion that the slayer masters are at a very odd spot.
    I editted the houses a bit and made slayer masters closer for convenience.

    Cannon definitely needed some improvements!
    Restricted areas for cannon is now active for over 30 locations.
    - You now get slayer XP (and it reads you killed the NPC) If only the cannon did damage to the NPC

    You can now build a cannon while being attacked.
    Fixed a dupe with cannon.


    Chambers Of Xeric
    When you enter a raid now you can see the layout in your chat as soon as you enter.

    In floor 2 of raids you will no longer die behind a wall.
    Added some overall improvements and fixes to raids.

    Quest improvements
    Added questlogs to the wall thieving and angler fish quest.

    Removed XP scroll from starter tutorial kit and made XP scroll untradeable.
    Decreased GP amount of starter kit
    Made Tureals dialogue more obvious how to skip a task with him now.
    Editted chances at Sire.

    Fixed (t3) set arms doing weird things
    Added more skeletal wyverns to the Ice cave.
    Increased XP monkfish cooking

    A sneak peek for a update coming very soon!
    Mage Arena 2:
    Get Imbued magic capes by killing the minions of the gods in Wilderness!


    • Thanks 1

  5. LUNA.png.abbb8a24f0c1b01743e8d524ef4abee1.png


    New home + Starter area
    Halloween map is long overdue but we're back on our old trusted map!
    I editted it a bit to make it all a bit smoother and also added a small
    starter area with various rocks, trees and fishing spots for low level fishing.


    Daeyalt Essence
    You are now able to use the essence on all altars except blood and soul altars.
    The Daeyalt essence increases your Runecrafting XP by 50% more than Pure essence!
    You can mine the essence at Darkmeyer at the Dungeon icon!
    Daeyalt essence is tradeable.

    PURE:                                                                                                                           DAEYALT:


    Broadcasts of items appear in chat now!
    Got a awesome Magic Fang from Zulrah?
    Or perhaps Elysian Sigil from Corp?
    Most items from bosses/slayer and misc items
    with a high value will appear in chat now for everyone to see!

    Added Relic Hunter (t3) set

    You can now note and unnote at banks
    Very good if you are UIM! 😉

    Updated Darkmeyer quest with more information how to get to Slepe.
    Dice bag rolls 100 instead of 4 now
    Re-added break vials option in questlog
    Blood shard is tradeable now
    Blood shard is 1/1.8k now
    Added unkillable level 1 man for thieving at home for starters. Gives 800-1400 each thief.
    Home fishing
    Home mining
    Home trees
    Added looserailing agility to enter low level area


    Fixed Zulrah bugging if you kill her as soon as she switches phase.
    Fixed Anti-venom and Anti-venom+ Venom timers!
    Fixed questlog doing funky stuff if you examine a NPC with no loot
    Herb box edits, soon re-released!
    3rd age ring is wearable now
    Changed multiple protection values of items.
    All superior slayer NPCs respawning issue is now fixed

    Twisted slayer helm (i) also fixed now


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  6. LUNA.png.1027a2f0833e59f96035b9d7ccd6ae65.png


    Darkmeyer quest to gain access to Darkmeyer!
    Safalaan Hallows jewelry box has been stolen by one of the slaves in Darkmeyer!
    Help him out by starting in Slepe and get the stolen jewelry back!
    The reward is the Drakan's Medallion to be able to teleport to Darkmeyer!


    Credits to @mush


    Vyrewatch Sentinels will no longer attack through walls. @mush
    1/10 chance for double loot with rogue set now instead @mush
    Reduced time of the Corpse Cart to thief it
    Droprate reducement of Bloodshard from 5k to 2k
    Removed Darkmeyer from teleport Interface
    Fixed Twisted Slayer Helm bugs


    As you know we started with quests!
    We are really curious what players can come up with for quest ideas.
    You can create a ticket in Discord in #🎐quest-event🎐 and leave your quest ideas over there!
    What format we would like to see it in:
    Story Location(s)
    What activities players do in the quests Can the quest expand?
    (Can there be more quests made about the quest?)
    In about a week after we all read the quests we will open the tickets for the players to decide with us what the best quest is that should be added.
    The player that wins will receive a mystery reward and $10 donator scroll and your idea will most likely be implemented in the game!


    • Sad 1

  7. LUNA.png.89cf2bf5852c8a984197431a4827de87.png


    Darkmeyer update!

    Vyrewatch Sentinels for a dropchance for the Blood Shard!
    Darkmeyer thieving also for the Blood shard and misc items!
    + Added Dark Fishing Bait to Darkmeyer Thieving

    Blood shard is used for the Amulet Of Blood Fury!

    It has the same stats as the amulet of fury, and when using melee, it has a 20% chance of passively healing the player 30% of the damage they deal. Once created, the amulet has 10,000 charges. A charge is depleted for every successful hit with melee regardless of whether the amulet's effect triggers.

    Added all shops around Darkmeyer

    Thief the Corpse Cart for a chance to receive the Severed Leg

    Added icons to questlog and announcements
    Reduced some announcements they appear less now

    - For now you can enter Darkmeyer through teleports - Misc
    This weekend we are going to add a quest to gain entrance to Darkmeyer.




    Decreased XP gained from Angler fishing set
    Changed droptables all wyverns and fixed their combat stuff.
    10x10 barrage fixed
    pre-work on anti venom timer
    Fixed multiple shortcuts
    Slight wintertodt nerf
    Fixed KBC speed
    Fixed a part of lumby fishing


    • Like 2

  8. Why can't I login on mobile/runelite?

    Login with your email not your username!

    I have a DNS error while trying to start up Runelite?

    Be sure to update your Java!
    Or try our alternative!
    Place this .bat in the SAME folder as the Luna.jar and run the .bat instead!


    How do I make GP?

    There are many ways to make GP in our server!

    There are the generic ways, slayer or thieving..
    Thieving GP is overall increased in the server to make some bankloots!!!

    We also have Wilderness Boss Events that give you gp when you kill them or even kill them in a group!
    You can also merch things, think about items players need, Dragon bones, skilling supplies and maybe specific gear.



  9. LUNA.png.7a04c218e7c3b3a563a3d541221b5a22.png


    A Fishy Situation Miniquest!

    The Fishing Tutor has a problem, Bertha has been eating all the fish and now they almost run out of food!
    He askes you to help him fish some more and he will reward you with the Angler fishing set!
    You can find him in the Fishing Guild.



    Daeyalt Essence Mining

    Work has been done on Daeyalt Essence mining in Darkmeyer.
    The essence gives you 50% more XP in Runecrafting when you make the runes!



    We almost finished Darkmeyer!
    We added most shops already and there will be the NPCs you can pickpocket or kill for Blood shard for the amulet of blood fury!


    Dagganoth Lighthouse added


    Portal Of Legends portal in Myths guild will now teleport you to the Wilderness bosses when they are active!
    Added Damaged versions of ALL god books to mage shop

    Slight overall GP pickpocketing has received a slight nerf with the new elves.
    Fixed all god books combining with the pages
    Royal seed pod coords changed to outside
    Made Amethyst a little easier to get (mining)

    Normal grace can now be made with Black Dye (Coming soon)
    Staff of the dead back to modern autocast
    Gnome Stronghold Doors open now

    Fixed ID of bolts in slayer shop to the right one
    White graceful hood now hides your hair
    Fixed most of Darkmeyer
    Increased starter GP
    Nerfed drops from wilderness bosses and overall GP from them a little bit.

    Increased chance to get Ancient Shards
    Replaced Silverlight with Darklight in the shop

    Fixed shortcut Feldip Hills
    Added teleport for Dagganoth Lighthouse
    Fixed Alchemical Hydra shortcut

    - Hope u guys like the updates!

    -- Luna



    • Like 2

  10. Luna.png.e7d53c1e9a4415d5dbf37545433a403e.png



    + Added elf thieving

    + Added full Lletya, lletya includes:

    - A bank (pair of two bankers)

    - A prayer altar (go up a ladder in the eastern building)

    - A well (for water, no rope required)

    - A range

    - Bank Deposit

    - Trading Post

    - A spinning wheel

    - A general store (Lletya General Store)

    - A fruit tree patch

    - A food store (bread, lobster, jug of wine, cheese, cake)

    - An archery store

    - A seamstress' shop (needle, thread, ball of wool, dye of every colour)

    - A small patch of flax south of the bank.


    Updated default NPC text, they will no longer all be sick now, but be careful! Some are tested positive for Corona! XD

    + Started on Nightmare

    + Amulet of Blood Fury - It has the same stats as the amulet of fury, and when using melee, it has a 20% chance of passively healing the player 30% of the damage they deal.
    Once created, the amulet has 10,000 charges. A charge is depleted for every successful hit with melee regardless of whether the amulet's effect triggers. - The blood shard needed for the amulet will soon be obtainable, more information on this very soon!

    + Added Karambwanji fishing, they are located same place as OSRS in Karamja. You get 5-15 fish everytime, fish with small fishing net

    + Super combat potion and several others can now be made with (4) potions instead of (3)

    + The Emblem Trader for revenant emblems to gain GP is back in Revenant Caves luring among the Revenant mobs

    + Added Magic guild and Lletya teleport to teleport interface

    +Fixed the railing by the ogres at Gnome Stronghold

    + Slightly reduced droprate of Basilisk Jaw and you can now combine the helm with the Jaw to create the Neitinot faceguard.

    + Decreased KC amount needed for GWD for certain level donators (Godlike and + needs just 1 KC now)

    + Staff of the dead now autocasts ancient instead

    + Fixed Xeric's talisman teleports and its obtainable with lizardmen shamans/lizardmen

    + Fixed Drakans Medallion for future Darkmeyer entrance

    + Added Blood Money pouches from Small to Giant in Wilderness slayer and several bosses around the world like Bandos, Vorkath, Sire, Dagannoths, Zulrah, Cerberus, Callisto etc

    + Demonic Gorilla drops the Zenyte shard instead of uncut Zenyte now and fixed combining with Onyx to make shard at the fire underneath Ape Atoll

    + Reduced Venenatis defense

    + Added a scroll that allows you to see how many Puro Puro Implings you have caught overall

    + Added Obelisk Destination Scroll allows you to manually pick any destination with the obelisks once the scroll is used

    + You can obtain the impling scroll from implings ranging from Eclectic all the way to Dragon.

    +Fixed multiple bank deposits










    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  11. Luna.png.cf3ac1b8d25b299ee601d2f6375113a5.png


    This Update we decided to focus a bit on armor bug fixes and pre-work on upcoming updates.

    I did some more work on Myths guild and am pleased to announce we have the Dungeon now where multiple dragons from green to black recide, including their babies. + The Dungeon also have runite ore and misc ores.

    + Multiple green, blue red and black dragons!

    + Baby dragons of all colors above

    + Runite and adamantite ore

    + Added Fountain of Uhld, charge your jewelry here!

    + Myth's Guild Tree spirit teleport added

    + Fixed Skotizo respawning

    + Added full Inquisitor armor

    + Added Twisted Ancestral set + colour kit

    + Added Twisted slayer helm + Imbued

    + Fixed scuffed Hydra helm, it looks way better now on male!

    + Changed collection size from 100 to 1000 for players

    + Removed and added multiple NPCs around the world

    + Changed the dialogue of wall safe thief quest to make it easier to understand

    + Changed Ectophial location to what its supposed to be

    + You can now talk to Andras north of Ectophial teleport to take a boat for 10k to Slepe

    + Fixed stairs leading to Nightmare Boss, you can visit the boss location now if you want to!

    + Fixed FFA Exit portal coords

    + Fixed stairs at dagannoth if you go up

    + Fixed Mythic guild ladders and misc things

    + Added Twisted colour kit to donor store 3

    + Added Horns needed for twisted slayer helm to donor store 3

    + Added Ectophial to vote store










    • Like 1

  12. Luna.png.1a305df761c915c38912e322bc4c91a8.png



    TEMPORARY NEW HALLOWEEN MAP! + HALLOWEEN EVENT! - I have placed 6 NPCs all around the world (All ghosts, one is Robin Hood), they will have fun Halloween gear and one NPC has Eek!the spider! And a halloween outfit!

    + Added 2 exclusive halloween items to Keldagrim at ::dz for donators!

    + Chance of receiving Scythe (Halloween one) from Wilderness bosses!

    + Added 2 exclusive halloween items to (hard) clue scroll

    + Made all Mutagen tradeable

    + Toggle for $10+ donators in questlog to receive scroll box clues instead of the clues so you can stack them! +

    Fixed Trader Stan +

    Fixed slayer count names in questlog


    Black Graceful added!

    Removed Lizardman shaman chat spam

    Fixed casket drops (from rock crabs for example)

    Fight caves teleport bug

    fixed Did prework on the christmas event

    Pool cures poison & venom

    Increased stats Scythe and Sanguin staff


    You can now use spec orb by minimap on runelite and mobile

    + Added The Wall Safe thieving mini quest!

    The quest allows you to obtain the rogue outfit.- You are no longer able to obtain it with guards and paladins.

    + Rogue outfit double gp is also fixed now!

    Be sure to check it out in the quest log and let us know what you think!!

    + You will get quest points upon completing quests.

    We have decided to reduce the damage with PVP armor on monsters because the armor is just too powerful. Against players its still the same stats.

    + All nightmare staffs working now.

    + Abyssal bracelet prevents you from getting skulled in the abyss now.

    + 50k coins from voting will now drop on floor if player has no inventory spots

    + Fixed Chaos & Elder Druids combat & loottable.

    + You can now just press Sigmund to open the trade window instead of right click trade.

    + Fixed guaranteed table at KBD. (Bones and hide)

    + Asgarnia Ice Cave teleport is now added.

    + Removed invisible NPC at Lumby chickens

    + Changed multiple prices of the donator stores (Made most of them cheaper)

    Pet box 40 > 35 PVP box 42 > 38 Blessed saradomin sword 11 > 15 Saradomin Sword 35 > 8 Changed every barrows item from 6 to 5 points.

    + We have added the FULL COLLECTION LOG!!

    + Get the Collection Log from general store (new players get it in their starter)

    + Fixed Nightmare staff it doesnt hit 130 no more

    + Fixed loot tracker info @Runelite

    + Fixed Clue scroll boxes bug

    + fixed Chaos Altar in ::dz

    + Fixed weird Bandits not dying


    Added Defenders to Collection Log

    Fixed KC Collection Log Bracelet of Ether can now collect Ether

    Changed droptables Revenants instead of 1/10k rev weapons they now drop 1/3.5k

    • Like 1

  13. Luna.png.e72f4921da197cba985980d18397aa51.png



    + Added Discord presence

    + Fixed Mac Mac will look which stats are 99 now and show you the capes. If you buy the cape you automaticly receive the hood in your bag.

    You can now get Ironman armor at Adam if you right click "armor"

    + Added Darklight to daily task and blood money shop

    Added 3 new tournament sets! + F2P Melee Pure + F2P Melee/range pure + Pure with Dragon Claws!

    Increased Blood Money amount received in Tournaments

    You cant join a tournament with 2 accounts now

    Added the stackable Scroll boxes for clues that is used in Twisted League

    + Added Easy to Master in donor store 3 temporary (See what u guys think can always be changed)

    + Easy Medium and Hard scroll box in daily task store

    + Elite and Master scroll box in Blood Money shop

    + Reduced cost amount for rev weapons in Bounty Hunter store

    + Added Jangleberries in secondaries shop

    + Added limited sharks in food store - Removed mythic cape from range store

    + Reduced prices knifes and darts in ranging shop

    + Added grapes to secondaries store

    Added Donator skilling zone GP store with right now just a few items:

    + Low stock of super restores (4)

    + Low stock of Mahogany planks

    + Low stock of Super combat potions

    + Tournament information board at home!

    Fixed a faulty preset for tournament

    Slight reduce and increase certain items in master clue

    We did quite alot of work on the trailer, some behind the scenes work and improvements

    We still wanted to get some good stuff out for you guys! We have alot in the works at the moment 🙂 Im excited to show you guys soon but for now...

    New improved questtab + New features + Better look! + Upcoming new achievements

    Golden Boy tournament preset added.

    Fixed Bloody Merchant

    Fixed Champions guild teleport

    Fixed Tutorial stuff for new players

    Added Hydra heads in hydra loottable

    Fixed all tournament presets that were fucked

    + We've fixed and added Scythe Of Vitur and Sanguinesti Staff They will be in the Donor store for only a short period of time.

    We finally almost fixed the website & the new launcher that comes with it is already fixed! Coming soon!

    + Golden boy Preset for tournament

    + You can now crack coconuts and make coconut milk

    + Opponent info added in runelite (Included when you launch the launcher coming soon)

    + Fixed drops of all wyverns in Ancient Cave

    + Fixed multiple aggressive levels of NPCs around the world attacking low level players







  14. Luna.png.9b3208714263f61a25e4a536058564d9.png



    Added Chaos & Blood altars to Skilling donorzone (dz2)

    Added red chinchompas to dz2

    Added karab and anglers to dz2

    Fixed raid chest loot

    Turned off raids thieving room again for now

    Added Ice giant and re-added crab puzzle

    Added clue skip step page on donator store 3 and changed the page to 1 point in vote store again

    Changed super Mystery book price & better loots from 22 to 18 points

    Changed mystery box from 15 to 10 points

    Fixed house portal bug that tells you to go to your house at home

    Fixed zoo keeper & every other clue NPC Removed the random pets in donator zone Fixed wyrm tasks that didnt count

    Fixed bank tabs!

    Fixed X amount in bank

    Wyrm slayer tasks works now

    Full Konar slayer boss

    A slayer master for higher level slayer.

    You get a task at a certain location The NPCs have a chance to drop keys which you can use at the Brimstone Chest for awesome loots!

    Decanter - A much awaited one for the players

    Sigmund The Merchant When you trade Sigmund it opens a trade window you can put your stuff in and it will sell for a good price, also noted etc sell all works now! HP bar boss issue fix There was an issue with certain bosses with weird HP, this should work now.

    + Fixed shop price bugs (donator shops, vote shops, daily task shops, basicly every shop that was bugged

    + Fixed ground items staying forever and you can now pickup your stuff in wilderness on mobile without relogging 

    Added X amount buy from shops (Press the buy 50 for now, it will ask you how much you want to buy) 

    Fixed Vetion daily task counting

    + Added Taverley teleport and fixed Feldip Hills teleport

    + Added Dark altar to bless Arceeus dense rocks in ::dz2 (skilling zone)

    + Added soul altar to ::dz2

    + Replaced Salve Amulet in shops with Salve Amulet (ei)

    + Fixed Bloody merchant price for anglers

    + Arcane spirit shield to donor shop 3 (Temporary)

    + Blessed spirit shield to donor shop 3 + Spirit shield added to Blood Money shop

    Previous Teleport feature in teleporter

    Fixed favorite teleport

    Feldip Hills teleport fixed

    Chaos druids combat fixed Higher level chaos druids combat fixed Impling spawn fix

    - Puro puro glory value has been fixed

    Auto cast zamorak and saradomin staff

    Wintertodt checks warm clothing

    Added Phoenix pet to wintertodt droptable

    Uncharging Bracelet of etherium gives you ether now

    Disabled Ice Giant chamber

    Removed Terror dogs for now untill further notice Reduced WOGW from 50m to 30m





  15. Luna.png.088adfb3112eac0981bd4e1eb3fcc20c.png


    New items: Full Inquisitor's set.
    All Nightmare staffs & orbs
    Dark Graceful
    All Hallowed items
    Mahogany Homes item set
    All The Nightmare items & Darkmeyer
    Ring of Endurance
    Amulet of blood fury
    Nightmare Pet
    Luna Rabbit Pet (Most of these items need definitions and misc things added which will happen)
    (There are probably way more items just look from revision 182 to 191 and help us find them!)
     Full Ferox Enclave.
    In 18 wildy a safezone to hang out in.
    Tournaments will be hosted there.
    Bank Pools(Will be fixed)
    Altar Teleport to fun PK Cave (Will be fixed)
      The Nightmare Full map
    All boss NPCs and animations work
    The Nightmare is being fixed at the moment to get it out for you guys! And SO MUCH MORE which we will explore and fix!
    Runelite + Improved performances on Runelite overall + Added a better looking version of the original background + Added new icons to it + Emojis on by default (Can turn this off) + No more Player Indicator for new players as soon as they first login + Removed unused features on runelite that will not be used within the server
    We done a complete rework on raids. (Chambers Of Xeric) + You can now scout the rooms as soon as you enter the raid. + Ice Giant and Thieving Room are re-added. + The crab puzzle has been disabled. + Several bug fixes
     Farming guild + Almost every patch at Farming Guild works now + You can finally farm there!
    Myth's guild + Added Mythic guild! + Shops! + Furnace! + More!
      Home + Added a new object for Trading Post! + Removed all doors at home + Fixed Mac + Replaced Furnace a little bit closer to bank + Added a bunch of new shop NPCs + New object for fun PK
      Slayer + Fixed slayer hard tasks. + Fixed slayer bosses tasks. + Points you receive changed!
     Shortcuts + Fixed Zeah Runecrafting shortcut
    NPC's + Reduced Venenatis strength and defence + Fixed Cave Horror attack speed + Scavenger beasts now die after killing it, not respawn.
    Teleports + Fixed Feldip Hill coords + Fixed Farming Guild coords + Added Ferox Enclave teleport. + Added Catherby teleport + Added Rimmington teleport
     Tournament + Tournament has been replaced to Ferox Enclave + Tournament for donators will receive extra Blood Money now
    Changed drop rates + Adamant Dragon + Rune Dragon
      Donator: + Added extra tournament BM money + Fixed Donator angler spots at donator zone + Temporary icons till we get a better cache tool to get the new ones!
    Questlog + Added a Q&A for new players (is being worked on)
    Vengeance Animation fixed + Ornament kits all fixed + Trading post has a different object now


  16. So.. I didnt post the updates on forums, not really smart, so I will post a few topics now with updates from 14th of August until now.


    We have fixed Chambers Of Xeric
    Changed Zuriel staff stats to OSRS ones
    Re-added all emblems to revenants + Rev weapons added back
    Increased BM Daily Tasks
    Fixed daily task bugs
    Increased barrows loot chance

    Fixed clue caskets you can now open them in your inventory instead of one by one through bank
    Added ::home Added ::train (sand crabs) Added ::dz2 (NEW DONOR SKILLING AREA FOR PLATINUM+)
    Changed $ scrolls a bit
    Added Crystal chest to home
    Added spinning weel to home
    Fixed XP scroll dialogue
    Removed a Fairy ring teleport
    Added a NEW Donator skilling zone for Platinum and up!
    Fixed boxes for mobile (Last one is updated tomorrow when I wake up just incase something goes wrong)

    Slayer REWORK! It should be better now than before, leave any feedback on it!
    All Mystery boxes work for mobile now.
    Ironman has ironman only shops now at home
    Nerfed Zulrah so she is same as OSRS defense wise
    Multiple daily task mobs has been fixed
    Increased Mystery Emblems points when exchanging them
    Added Patchy to Donor zone - sew items together to make awesome items!
    You can now test any wave you want at inferno!

    Added Clue step skip papers!
    You can use this paper to skip one clue task. They will be tradeable soon and are now named "Tattered Sun Page" - Going to change! They will be in vote store and donator store soon!
    The server makes automatic backups of accounts every hour now.
    Fixed all slayer helms.
    Added almost fully working farming guild.
    Have to do some bugfixes still but it should be usuable.
    Fixed DFS defend stats
    Added autocast for all god staffs and smoke battlestaff
    Added Ape Atoll teleport
    Fixed 300+ stores around the world for ironman to use Increased stock air rune packs

  17. We've updated alot and I forgot to post about it on the forums.
    Here is a brief list of the things we've done last 2-3 weeks:

    + Added mithril seeds to general store
    + Tournament inventory dissapearing is now fixed
    + Reclaim cannon guy fixed
    + Added drops for all wyverns - bigPP
    + Added Combat XP log and changed names a bit
    + Added Brimstone loots

    + Added support rank
    + Slayer and tournament shop
    + Alot of store updates
    + Fixed autocast for mobile!
    + Added Karabs and Anglers to Resource area!
    + Wyverns have drops and combat now
    + You can now use the bestiary to look up NPC drops
    + You will also see combat information about the NPC you are examining now.
    + Fixed dicebag so players can use it instead of just dice hosts Infernal cape in
    + Donor store from 100 points to 70
    + Changed the rogue sets fro thieving now you wont get it a million times anymore
    + Fixed slayer helmet at Thermonuclear boss
    + Fixed ironman icons in chat
    + Fixed pack buckets
    + Resource area for donators is free noted now
    + Reduced farming timers for donators
    + Added Sacred Eels
    + Fixed weird nech bug
    + Fixed sandpit at rock crabs
    + Added tournament guy at home that shouts time remaining for next tournament.
    + Added Skotizo droptable
    + Fixed serpentine helm venom (all helmets)
    + Fixed email issue on website
    + Rockcrabs sandpit fixed
    + Added celastrus trees
    + Skotizo drops added
    + Pest control timer changed so u got more time to enter the boat and made it 2 players to start a match.
    + Made Lizardman aggressive
    + Added darts from bronze to adamant to range shop
    + Added knifes from bronze to mithril to range shop
    + Ultracompost - Magic shortbow I and slayer staff E can now be made (combining)
    + Added multiple shortcuts fixes in the world Including: Multiple shortcuts to get to lizardshamans
    + Hopefully fixed dz fishing now Fixed the wrong ID ninja implings in DZ
    + Added Barbarian outpost teleport, requested alot!
    + Added Terror dog teleport
    + Added Farming Guild teleport already for update coming soon
    + Added Nightmare Zone! - Use normal activity, hard will be fixed later - Shop added ASAP, get your points for now! -
    + Wildy bosses events, get some awesome loot, gp and BM from killing wilderness bosses that will appear in your questlog/broadcast! -
    + Bloody merchant: a merchant that will appear every 4 hours in the Wilderness for a chance for epic loot! - Epic loots - You receive a skull as soon as you enter the shop -
    + Sacred Eels, you cant knife them yet for scales but you will soon! Farm your eels! -
    + $10 Donator Scroll! - Now named "Combination" will be renamed together with the box fixes soon! -
    + Added more terror dogs again
    + Added Jad (inferno version) to wildy bosses 😉
    + Shayzien armor will now work at lizardman shamans
    + Bloody Merchant works now
    + Added Galvek to Wilderness teleport interface.
    + Added loottable to Galvek, D claws INCLUDED!!!
    + Added $10 - $25 - $50 donator SCROLLS on the website!
    + Sand Crabs is now a multizone
    + Fixed Sacred eels spots
    + You can now knife sacred eels with cooking for zulrah scales! Increased loots at wildy bosses
    + You now get more Blood Money from wildy bosses Fixed voting website with the errors

    Wow! Thats alot of updates. Will make it look a little better tomorrow!

  18. 13 hours ago, My Tits said:

    Why can I not log in? I downloaded it on my andriod, and ice confirmed email and everything, I voted, and I go on the app to log in and it says (unexpected server response, please select different world &try again) but doesn't pet me select another world  please help been trying for over 10 hours 

    Did you login with your email?






    More mage skillcape book swaps a day for donators




    Note: DZ3 will have more added, this is just what we have right now!




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