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Everything posted by Crème

  1. Looks like a great update, excited to try blast furnace
  2. Great idea with the key drop, mobile players won't have as much issues
  3. Your Name: Creme Age: 29 Your Location: Ontario, Canada Average Amount Of Gameplay: I would say i average about 7-10 hours a day, Generally from 9-11pm to 6-7am Est. Which role would you like: Why Should I Receive This Position: I would like to request a position in Player support. Ive thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Luna and would love the opportunity to give back in anyway that i can, Ive spend quite a few hours in-game helping others with all sorts of things ranging from clue scrolls to item drops and build tips. If i were to be assigned this role i believe that i will provide useful information or suggestions to both the community as well as the staff. Staff Experience: Ive had little to no experience, i have however briefly modded for a friends Ragnarok server, this would be a great opportunity for me to gain more experience and knowledge in an area i enjoy. Rs/Rsps Experience: I have been playing rs for around 16-17 years, i have been on a few Private servers most of which were terrible towards their community and did not pay too much attention to bug complaints. Goals: If i were to obtain this position my goals would consist of gaining knowledge and experience in a field that i love, providing great ideas for possible events in-game, and above all to become respected amongst both the community and the staff. Weaknesses: I would have to say that my weakness would be that i am very kind to others, this could reflect in a negative way in situations such as helping others while i should be doing something for the server. Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggressive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: In this situation i would give them a warning and explain the rules that they are breaking or coming close to breaking, if the situation was not resolved after said warning i would provide them with a final warning followed by talking to an admin/mod about said situation with results of mute/jailing. You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: I feel it would be necessary to provide proof of such things so i would either record or screenshot the incident and provide the proof to Luna directly. A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: If a player were to ask me for free stuff, i would explain to them that i cannot give them items or GP, but that i would be able to provide them with the information they would need to obtain said items. If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? Depending on the severity of said situation i would either help resolve the issue peacefully or i would refer to the rules, 1st offense would be 1hr mute followed by 6h and finally 24hr/500 ores jailed Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? I would definitely Follow the rules regardless of the situation.
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