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Lithy kun

Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Lithy kun

  1. Your Name: Nick Age: 26 Your Location: Ontario, Canada Average Amount Of Gameplay: 4+ hrs daily Which role would you like: Support Staff Staff Experience: I have no experience when it comes to staff, but I am willing to learn and benefit from the experience to my full extent. Rs/Rsps Experience: I used to play little moparscape servers back in 2007, recently came from a server that was supposed to shut down, but then found Luna and it's been my home for almost 2 years. Goals: To be more supportive and help more often, with great power comes great responsibility, and I will do everything in my power to make sure everyone is enjoying the server for as long as I have. Weaknesses: My weakness is I have a certain animosity towards those who pk and are psychologically/emotionally toxic to those around the community ( not all of them, just few). Someone in the Help chat is really annoying, he keeps on asking the same questions and when people tell him to stop he gets aggresive and toxic, how do you handle this situation?: I would get involved and tell the person to stop and please pm me or any staff member that is online, and assess the situation at hand. If the individual does not listen, then the mute warning shall be issued, if that doesn't work, then a mute and possible jail on how severe they want to make it upon themselves plus a message to any administrator with screenshots shall be dealt with from then on. You see a staff member abusing his powers, what do you do and why?: I would send a message asking why they are abusing the power that has been given to them, if it proceeds, then screenshots and immediate action will be brought to the attention of any admins that are on or offline. A player is asking you for free stuff, what is your response?: I would tell that person there is no need to ask for stuff, it's a private server and everything is very easy to get if you put your time and effort into it, just set yourself to a goal and go for it and continue. Maybe a welcome bonus will suffice if they are new and happen to ask for some help, but not on a repeatative basis. If a player harasses another player, what punishment should they receive? First a warning, if harrasment continues mute and jail, and if harrassment continues, Luna or other upper staff can further decide upon whether a ban is warranted. Will you follow the rules when you punish a player? I will follow guidelines and take full responsibility for my actions when it comes to having the powers of this caliber. If it deems unworthy, then let it be so, Luna is still going to be my home regardless.
  2. This is crazy! Holy cow! Great looking Luna! Well done!
  3. 1. Is that Luna is number 1 2. Player base is helpful and enjoyable to see people who are new or veterans get the chance to feel like a kid or have that nostalgia feeling of getting a pet or a item that they have been searching for. 3. Staff members make sure to keep us entertained with events and updates as fast and as much as possible, and never disappointing. 4. Whether you want to be a f2p player or want to spend a little money to see the benefits of the donor perks, there is always room for everyone. 5. Been here for a year now and I've met a lot of nice and helpful people and consider some of them friends. It's definitely worth the experience for finding an escape from either the real world or just your mind. #Luna#1
  4. Epic!! Great work. Keep it up. Excited for new raid
  5. Wicked update. Can't wait to jump on and enjoy!!!
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